Clinic Timings (Delhi)
Monday-SunDay:10:00AM-02:30PM And 04:30PM-08:00PM
SaturDay: Dr. Anil Sharma
Friday: Closed
Monday-SunDay:10:00AM-02:30PM And 04:30PM-08:00PM
SaturDay: Dr. Anil Sharma
Friday: Closed
We Are Pleased to inform you that our new Homoeopathic clinic is openining shortly @ south extension Delhi
Roorkee Homeopathy Clinic remains Closed at Staurady (Weekly Holiday)
Delhi Homeopathy Clinic remains Closed at Staurady (Weekly Holiday)
I was taking Allopathic medicine, some allopathic prescription. But I stopped taking it as it was giving me side effects: it make me need to sleep 12-13 hours a day and gave me night sweats and insomnia. Dr. Avi Sharma treated me for anxiety with Homeopathy and I was doing well..
I was diagnosed by my doctor with exercise-induced asthma. I also had very sensitive skin- just grazing my fingernail across my arm or back brought out welts and itching. Exposure to irritants made it worse. Dr. Anil Sharma gave me a homeopathic remedy that strengthened my immune system and banished those maladies. The remedy she gave me also took away seemingly unrelated things, like the mole tags on my neck; and the ocassional mild hot flashes of menopause. But there was more healing over time of the other “inside.” In Freudian shorthand, my id, ego and super-ego also responded to Gabrielle’s compassionate approach and keen observations about the whole of me. And I am grateful.
My Child was getting ill frequest .. first cold then cough then penumonia .. and attcks was very frequent .. just slight change of temp and... Since I started using homeopathic treatment , He doesn’t get sick with colds or flu like use to.If do get something, it lasts maybe 1-2 days instead if a week or 2 or cough or penumonia.
I would like to share my personal experience of Homoeopathy. I am a woman with a history of Ulcerative Colitis. I did not want to take medication because of the side effects. I started homeopathy. The first changes I saw was the alleviation of my bowel problems and how I would react emotionally. Though, It took about several months before I noticed a 100% significant improvement, and it also changed my way of looking at things including medication. About six months into the remedy, I was scheduled to get a colonoscopy and the doctor was amazed to see no serious or problems with my colon.It's Really Amzing exp..
Homoeopathic Medicines:Safe and Effective
Homeopathic Medicines:Safe and Effective
Homeopathic Medicines:Safe and Effective
Homeopathic Medicines:Safe and Effective
Homeopathic Medicines:A Supportive Role
Homeopathic Medicines:Safe and Effective
Homeopathic Medicines:Safe and Effective
Homeopathic Medicines:Safe and Effective